Custom Baby Announcement
A custom baby announcement created for a friend of mine.
I was recently approached by a friend of mine to do a baby announcement for her. She sent me an example of one she really liked, but wanted the illustration to be custom. I was excited for the opportunity to do some custom illustration as I do not get to do that very often.
I started with a few sketches in my sketchbook:

When one was chosen (number 3) I turned to InDesign to find some fonts and play with the initial layout of her first and last name. I decided to go with Imprint Shaodw for the name and Optima for all of the other information. Once I got the initial layout of the text pulled together, I printed it off and proceeded to draw the rest of the illustration around the type, including snowflakes at the requtest of my friend (due to the significance of the middle name):

Once I was able to get the design somewhat finalized, I photographed my illustration, took it into Adobe Illustrator where I traced it using the Pen tool. Beow is the finished result. I am very happy with how it turned out!